“Daily Muslim” is conceived as a free and independent press agency

“everyday Muslim” is imagined as a free and unbiased press

, with no aim of spiritual propaganda, along with its own primary goal is a deeper comprehension and knowledge of Muslim Neighborhood living and working in Italy, accumulating points and news of curiosity about cities that are diverse.

This web magazine shall point from the sociological and sociological complexity, averting simple, wrong and superficial equations which compare Islam having a optional cube, or even believe Islam as synonym of both Arab (more over, Arabs are the 12 percent at the Muslim world). This journal may allow profoundly different civilizations living side by side and able enough to co exist to have in touch, hammering distrusts, because it already happens in many instances Islam musulmani italia islamici news.

In Italy the Muslim Neighborhood is growing and can be gaining a relevant position: in the next future the childhood of next generation will likely deal with the responsibility of reducing the generational and cultural difference. A larger engagement of this native Italian Muslim neighborhood in the actions and direction of their Mosques is therefore desired, as well as it seems urgent that the Imams obtain licensed and accredited trainings, even with the support of Italian and foreign associations.

They ought to operate in restricted cooperation simply because, now, younger generations possess religious info on web; a selection which frequently is apparently quite dangerous. What’s more, it seems necessary to determine norms and regulations with regards to places of worship which very often, due to some technical facets, are compared to ethnic associations, particularly while in the current historical context since there is really a legislative gap in this issue. This really is why we genuinely believe it is vital to own regulations, however reasonable ones.

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